Mato Grosso Photos
Here are a few photos from one of my favorite places on Earth. The photos were taken and generously donated by Misty Vaughn (MV), Karen Blumenthal (KB), Dwight Long (DL), Bob Lewis (BL), Ed Eder (EE), Dwayne Longenbaugh (DL), Liz Kuo (LK), Jim Richmond (JR), Neil Bachman (NB), Herb Long (HL), Mary Ellen Moore (MM), Dave Keeling (DK), Joe Schelling (JS), Ron Mallory (RM), Michele Weisz (MW), Wendy Naruo (WN), Steve Zarate (SZ), Terri Treacy (TT), Mac Walter (MW), Bob Luce (BL), Wendy Naruo (WN), Tan Suwannukul (TS), Benito Hernandez (BH), Robert Clark (RC), Dennis Ringer (DR), and Gary Bard (GB).
Blue-cheeked jacamar (MV)
Red-legged Seriema (MV)
Brazilian Tapir (KB)
Helmeted Manakin (MV)
Paradise Tanager (WN)
Pantanal Sunset (MW)
Jabiru (DK)
Savanna hawk (KB)
Caiman Lizard (MV)
Long-tailed Potoo (JS)
Ocelot (LK)
Large-billed Tern (MV)
Saffron-billed Sparrow (LK)
Boa Constrictor with fresh-squeezed agouti (KB)
Agami Heron (JJ)
Tailless Whip Scorpion (RC)
Plumbeous Ibis (DK)
Tent-making Bat - Uroderma bilobatum (WN)
Dark-winged Trumpeter (MV)
Ornate Hawk-eagle (BH)
Jacare Caiman (DK)
Cobalt-rumped Parrotlet
Red-crested Cardinal (DK)
Masked Gnatcatcher (DK)
Marsh Deer (MW)
Blue-crowned trogon (KB)
Silvery Marmoset (WN)
Gould's Toucanet (HL)
Red-throated Piping-Guan (DK)
Brazilian Guinea Pig (NB)
Lettered Aracari (WN)
Red Howler Monkey (MV)
Striated Heron (MW)
Ipe (Tabebuia) in bloom (MW)
Pied Lapwing (MW)
Black-and-white Tegu (WN)
Paradise Jacamar (MW)
Red-bellied Titi Monkey (BL)
Orange-backed Troupial (MW)
White Woodpecker (MV)
Black-girdled Barbet (MV)
Little Nightjar (LK)
Fulgora Laternaria (KB)
Greater Sac-winged Bat (DL)
Southern Lapwing (MW)
Planalto Woodcreeper (DK)
Spangled Cotinga
White Witch (Thysania agripinna), the largest moth (by wing length) in the world
Capybara (MW)
Ash-throated Crake (DK)
Mato Grosso Antbird (MV)
Urania leilus (KB)
Pantanal (South American) Snipe (NB)
Burrowing Owl (MW)
Green Anaconda (DR)
Brown Jacamar (DK)
Blackish Nightjar (MV)
Scarlet-headed Blackbird (MW)
Sungrebe (MW)
Curl-crested Jay (TS)
Band-tailed Manakin (RM)
White-lipped Peccary (TS)
Greater Rhea (MW)
Rusty-backed Antwren (RM)
Tapajos (White-backed) Fire-eye (DK)
Giant Anteater (JS)
Green Iguana (KB)
Hoatzin (KB)
Dusky-billed Parrotlets (MW)
Capped Heron (MW)
Cristalino Puddle Party (KB)
Brazil's Lancehead (DR)
Ocellated Poorwill (KB)
Collared Crescent-chest (MV)
Southern Tamandua (MV)
Brazilian Rainbow Boa (DL)
Dendrobates sp. (DL)
Crab-eating Fox (MW)
Razor-billed Curassow (GB)
American Pygmy Kingfisher (WN)
Toco Toucan (MW)
Wedge-tailed grass-finch (MV)
Pavonine Cuckoo (GB)
Amethyst Woodstar (DL)
Bushmaster (KB)
Black-capped Donacobius (MV)
Great Potoo (MV)
Swallow Tanager (MV)
Paca (EE)
Narrow-billed Woodcreeper (MW)
Brazil Nuts (NB) - This was perhaps my least favorite nut "from the can". But fresh from the forest, there's nothing like it.
Burnished-buff Tanager (WN)
Northern Ghost Bat (DL)
Yellowish Pipit (JR)
Band-tailed Antbird (WN)
Sunbittern (DK)
Fiery-capped Manakin (TT)
Collared Peccary (MW)
Barred Antshrike (WN)
Ladder-tailed Nightjar (MW)
Blue Finch (MV)