Mato Grosso Photos

Here are a few photos from one of my favorite places on Earth. The photos were taken and generously donated by Misty Vaughn (MV), Karen Blumenthal (KB), Dwight Long (DL), Bob Lewis (BL), Ed Eder (EE), Dwayne Longenbaugh (DL), Liz Kuo (LK), Jim Richmond (JR), Neil Bachman (NB), Herb Long (HL), Mary Ellen Moore (MM), Dave Keeling (DK), Joe Schelling (JS), Ron Mallory (RM), Michele Weisz (MW), Wendy Naruo (WN), Steve Zarate (SZ), Terri Treacy (TT), Mac Walter (MW), Bob Luce (BL), Wendy Naruo (WN), Tan Suwannukul (TS), Benito Hernandez (BH), Robert Clark (RC), Dennis Ringer (DR), and Gary Bard (GB).