San Blas and the Durango Highway Trip Report
The following is a composite of our fantastic 2000 - 2025 trips
Perhaps the most memorable feature of my west Mexico trip is that it somehow seems to highlight my good fortune at being able to share the natural wonders of the world with consistently great groups.
San Blas jay by Jerry Johnson
This wonderful trip begins on the Durango Highway, where we're treated to three nights of fine hospitality in the charming town of Copala, a quiet rural town where we usually have the hotel and restaurant to ourselves. Walks around this bird-rich town have always included close-up scope views of military macaws feeding on the fruits of cannonball trees, and occasionally we're fortunate to have the large fig in front of the hotel in full fruit with a parade of birds passing through. Birds around town include rufous-backed robin, west mexican and elegant euphonias (called euphorias by some onlookers), yellow grosbeak, streak-backed and black-vented orioles, grayish saltator, orange-fronted parakeet, Mexican parrotlet, thick-billed kingbird, painted and varied buntings, Sinaloa and happy wrens, rusty-crowned ground-sparrow, black-capped vireo, and orange-billed nightingale thrush to name a few. In addition to the fig is a wonderful guamuchil tree, a daily magnet for birds (and birders) situated right at the hotel's front door. In the dry winter months, a species of mistletoe around town often has fruits which attract both elegant and west mexican euphonias as well as blue mockingbird. though it's undoubtedly not the same bird, there has been a territorial male yellow warbler in the same Guamuchil since 1999 ! It's not unusual in our morning outing in the village to find over 70 species of birds.
Military macaw by Jeremy Stein
From Copala, we cross the highway to the always exciting tropical deciduous forest on Panuco Road. Yellow-winged caciques and black-throated magpie jays are plentiful and noisy, with their bright colors accentuated by the equally bright Combretum flowers on which they often feed. Elegant and citreoline trogons, blue mockingbird, black-capped and golden vireos, rusty-crowned ground sparrow, Colima pygmy owl, fan-tailed and rufous-capped warblers, grey silky flycatcher, golden-crowned emerald, and blue bunting are some of the most attractive birds seen regularly in the forest here. Less regularly seen are the spectacular red-breasted chat as well as five-striped sparrow. As mornings warm, butterflies - including malachite, white and yellow angled sulphurs, dirce beauty, fritillaries, banded and white peacocks, zebra longwing, julia, longtail skippers, and crackers - come alive as do swifts, including white-naped (the largest swift on Earth) and chestnut-collared. At night and early in the morning, mottled, ferruginous pygmy, Colima pygmy, and vermiculated screech owls can be heard and sometimes seen in the area.
Further up the Durango Highway, our walks through the pines, oaks, alders, madrones, and firs of the Sierra Madre are memorable for the highly endemic and gorgeous tufted jays, mountain trogon, red warbler, red-headed tanager (you have to see them to believe them), rufous-capped and green-striped brushfinches, white-striped woodcreeper, crescent-chested and golden-browed warblers, white-throated thrush, russet nightingale-thrush, Aztec thrush, gray-collared becard, and many others. We also see and learn about madrone caterpillars (one of the most unique lepidopterans in the world), swaths of flowering salvias, and blooming bromeliads. A Psitticanthus mistletoe, when in flower, attracts white-eared and magnificent hummingbirds and Scott’s oriole. Another species of mistletoe has the small fruits that are irresistible to elegant euphonias which we've seen many times here. A small spring along the trail sometimes has the Tarahumara salamander. Though our days on the Durango Highway have all been unforgettable, nature, just for good measure, occasionally throws in something like a stunning five-foot boa constrictor right in the middle of the highway. They say timing is everything, and, when we found this snake many years ago, it certainly was, as we were able to handle, photograph, release, and rescue the boa from becoming snake pizza.
Mangrove swallow by Jerry Johnson
We spend five days in the San Blas area and enjoy a variety of habitats including evergreen tropical forest, a shade-grown coffee plantation, riverine forest, pine-oak forest, and mangrove swamp. In addition to outstanding birds on Singayta Rd., the sewage ponds road, La Tovara, Tecuitata, and in the Cerro de San Juan, we're often treated to other wildlife as well. Green and spiny-tailed iguanas, heliconid butterflies ovipositing on passionvine, myrmecophytic acacias with stinging Pseudomyrmex ants, fruiting figs and cecropias, indigo and whip snakes, greater fishing bats (Noctilio leporinus), leafcutter ants, arboreal termites, and more provide many a nature lesson. In the San Blas area, we usually have excellent views of russet-crowned motmot, boat-billed flycatcher, San Blas and purplish-backed jays, masked tityra, rose-throated becard, ivory-billed woodcreeper, greenish elaenia, rosy-thrush tanager, elegant quail. and pale-billed, lineated, and golden-cheeked woodpeckers to name just a few of the wonderful birds. Others that aren't seen as frequently include sparkling-tailed woodstar, red-crowned ant-tanager, gray-crowned woodpecker, bat falcon, black hawk-eagle, and collared forest falcon.
In addition to the peaceful tropical scenery and lushness, our boat trip up the Rio San Cristobal has been memorable for mangrove warbler, mangrove vireo, mangrove cuckoo, limpkin, snail kite, black-bellied and fulvous whistling ducks, up to 13 species of raptors, and the beautiful but elusive rufous-necked wood-rail. On the magical La Tovara boat trip, one of my all-time favorite nature outings, we've enjoyed ringed kingfisher, least grebe, crane hawk, boat-billed heron, bare-throated tiger heron, pauraque, rufous-bellied chachalaca, short-eared owl, buff-collared nightjar, up to a dozen northern potoos, greater fishing bat, coatis, racoons, and a few very large American crocodiles. Once on this trip, as we were passing through a “tunnel” of red mangrove, an ocelot crossed over and in front of the boat along an arch of mangrove branches. There was stunned silence for a moment as we tried to digest the rare sighting of this tropical cat.
Up in the Cerro de San Juan, a rather isolated massif where pines and oaks cover the summits and shade-grown coffee dominates the lower slopes, there are possibilities to find birds not found in the other areas we visit. Within this refreshingly cool climate, we've seen green jay, elegant euphonia, Mexican woodnypmh (endemic to the area), bumblebee hummingbird, olivaceous woodcreeper, black-capped and golden vireos, spotted wren, sparkling-tailed woodstar, flame-colored tanager, Colima warbler, lesser roadrunner, golden-crowned warbler, Audubon's (Dickey's) oriole, and many other species. Recent trip highlights were a Stygian owl on its day roost and a perched double-toothed kite.
Zebra longwing by Jeremy Stein
In addition to great birds and flora, we've had some luck with mammals including the above-mentioned ocelot, as well as jaguarundi, coatimundi, coyote, eastern cottontail, greater fishing bat, northern raccoon, Apache fox and Collie's squirrels, opossum, and gray fox.
While in San Blas, we stay at the Hotel Garza Canela where the hospitality and first class service of the Vasquez family must be experienced to be believed. Arriving at their excellent hotel always feels like coming home, not only for me, but also for trip participants who've never even been there.
A superb highlight is always a visit to the village of Tecuitata, where Daniel Fourwinds and the staff of Capulin Coffee give us insight into the coffee industry and its potential for sustainable communities and forests. They also prepare a to-die-for lunch with an amazing view of their drying patio and the surrounding mountains. We see first hand how their coffee is uniquely harvested, hand sorted, and traditionally dried on a beautiful drying patio. The intensive hand labor involved provides much needed employment and income to local villagers and results in a higher quality product than that produced by the corporate method of processing with water and fermentation (which provides much less employment and income for locals). If you drink coffee and care about healthy tropical habitats and the people that live in them, then check out to learn more and to support the finest coffee project I know of !!
The Durango Highway and San Blas have it all - great weather and scenery, unique lodging with warm hospitality, wonderful food, easy travel, and an abundance and diversity of birds that's hard to beat. I've been traveling here for 25 years, and it remains a perennial favorite.