San Blas Bird List
Among the 365+ species of birds seen on Durango Highway / San Blas trips in the past are the following. As always, some are common, some not so common, and some rare and difficult to find.
Least grebe
Blue-footed booby
Neotropic cormorant
Magnificent frigatebird
Reddish egret
Tricolored heron
Boat-billed heron
Bare-throated tiger heron
White ibis
Roseate spoonbill
Wood stork
Black-bellied whistling-duck
Fulvous whistling-duck
Muscovy duck
Snail kite
Double-toothed kite
Common black hawk
Great black hawk
Gray hawk
Short-tailed hawk
White-tailed hawk
Harris' hawk
Zone-tailed hawk
Black hawk-eagle
Bat falcon
Crested caracara
Laughing falcon
Collared forest-falcon
Peregrine falcon
Elegant quail
Purple gallinule
Common gallinule
Rufous-necked wood-rail
Rufous-bellied chachalaca
Stilt sandpiper
Northern jacana
American oystercatcher
Wilson's plover
Black skimmer
Red-billed pigeon
White-tipped dove
Ruddy ground dove
Military macaw
White-fronted Amazon
Lilac-crowned Amazon
Mexican parrotlet
Orange-fronted parakeet
Squirrel cuckoo
Mangrove cuckoo
Groove-billed ani
Lesser roadrunner
Mottled owl
Middle American screech-owl
Colima pygmy-owl
Ferruginous pygmy-owl
Stygian owl
Flammulated owl
Northern potoo
White-naped swift
Chestnut-collared swift
Cinnamon hummingbird
White-eared hummingbird
Berylline hummingbird
Golden-crowned emerald
Mexican woodnymph
Bumblebee hummingbird
Sparkling-tailed hummingbird
Plain-capped starthroat
Mountain trogon
Elegant trogon
Citreoline trogon
Eared quetzal
Russet-crowned motmot
Green kingfisher
Ringed kingfisher
Golden-cheeked woodpecker
Gray-crowned woodpecker
Lineated woodpecker
Pale-billed woodpecker
Ivory-billed woodcreeper
White-striped woodcreeper
Olivaceous woodcreeper
Rose-throated becard
Gray-collared becard
Masked tityra
Greenish elaenia
Least flycatcher
Pine flycatcher
White-throated flycatcher
Buff-breasted flycatcher
Nutting’s flycatcher
Brown-crested flycatcher
Tufted flycatcher
Bright-rumped attila
Tropical kingbird
Thick-billed kingbird
Social flycatcher
Great kiskadee
Boat-billed flycatcher
Mangrove swallow
San Blas jay
Purplish-backed jay
Tufted jay
Black-throated magpie jay
Green jay
Sinaloa crow
Mexican chickadee
Happy wren
Sinaloa wren
Spotted wren
Blue mockingbird
Brown-backed solitaire
Orange-billed nightingale-thrush
Russet nightingale-thrush
White-throated robin
Rufous-backed robin
Aztec thrush
Gray silky flycatcher
Golden vireo
Black-capped vireo
Mangrove vireo
Tropical parula
Crescent-chested warbler
Red-faced warbler
Slate-throated redstart
Painted redstart
Red warbler
Fan-tailed warbler
Black and white warbler
Hooded warbler
Golden-browed warbler
Rufous-capped warbler
Golden-crowned warbler
Red-breasted chat
Yellow-winged cacique
Streak-backed oriole
Orchard oriole
Black-vented oriole
Baltimore oriole
Audubon's oriole
Flame-colored tanager
Red-headed tanager
Red-crowned ant-tanager
Rosy thrush-tanager
Five-striped sparrow
Stripe-headed sparrow
Rusty-crowned ground-sparrow
Rufous-capped brushfinch
Green-striped brushfinch
Blue-black grassquit
Cinnamon-rumped (White-collared) seedeater
Ruddy-breasted seedeater
Rose-breasted grosbeak
Yellow grosbeak
Cinnamon-bellied (Grayish) saltator
Blue bunting
Painted bunting
Indigo bunting
Elegant euphonia
West Mexican euphonia
Black-headed siskin