Costa Rica II Photos
These gorgeous photos from Costa Rica were taken my friends and talented photographers Mac Walter (MW), Larry Schmahl (LS), and Paul Mazza (PM). They are a small sample of the wonders that await you in this spectacular country.
Bare-crowned Antbird (MW)
Black-collared Hawk (MW)
Black-and-yellow Tanager (MW)
Spectacled Caiman and Julia butterfly (MW)
Crested Owl (MW)
Medio Queso Wetlands
Canebrake Wren (LS)
Central American Pygmy-Owl
Great Curassow (MW)
Black-crested Coquette (MW)
Green-and-black poison frog (MW)
American Dipper (MW)
Green Honeycreeper (MW)
Mantled Howler Monkey (MW)
Sungrebe (MW)
Mexican Hairy Dwarf Porcupine (MW)
Yellow-breasted Crake (PM)
Bay Wren (MW)
Montezuma Oropendula (MW)
Pale-billed Woodpecker (MW)
Pinnated Bittern (MW)
Red-headed Barbet (MW)
Prong-billed Barbet (LS)
Red-legged Honeycreeper (MW)
Scarlet-thighed Dacnis (MW)
Geoffrey's Spider Monkey (MW)
Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture (MW)
Masked Treefrog (MW)
Crimson-collared Tanager (MW)
White-throated Capuchin Monkey (JJ)
Brown-hooded Parrot (MW)
Common Slider (MW)
Pacific Screech-Owl (PM)
Violet Sabrewing (MW)
Emerald Tanager (MW)
Helmeted Basilisk (MW)
Mottled Owl (MW)
Dull-mantled Antbird (MW)