Oaxaca Photos
Of the many beautiful photos from Oaxaca, here are some of my personal favorites. Photo credits are noted below.
Bridled Sparrow (BH)
Dusky Hummingbird (BH)
Blue Mockingbird (JJ)
Dwarf Vireo (BH)
Boucard's Wren (JJ)
Golden-browed Warbler (MV)
Collared Towhee (MV)
Tamales at the Mercado Abastos (LK)
White Morpho (MV)
Slaty Vireo (BH)
Blue-capped Hummingbird (BH)
White-fronted Parrot (MV)
Russet-crowned Motmot (EE)
Tools of the Trade In Teotitlan del Valle (MW)
Francisco Martinez in Teotitlan del Valle (NB)
Elegant Euphonia (SZ)
Northern Pygmy-Owl (BH)
Orange-fronted Parakeet (RC)
Hotel Azucenas (NB)
Golden Vireo (BH)
Dwarf Jay (WN)
Chiles at the Mercado Abastos (RC)
Gray-barred Wren (EE)
Monte Alban (RC)
Red-breasted Chat (BH)
Black-vented Oriole (RC)
Mangrove Swallows (NB)
Seasons of My Heart Cooking School
Ivory-billed Woodcreeper (JJ)
Red-headed Tanager (BH)
White-throated Towhee (NB)
Corn Harvest (LKU)
Mexican Hermit (EE)
Brown Basilisk
Pale-billed Woodpecker (BH)
Templo de Santo Domingo de Guzman (RC)
Colima Pygmy-Owl (LLK)
Bullhorn Acacia with extrafloral nectaries and Pseudomyrmex ants
Northern Emerald Toucanet (MW)
Erythrina (NB)
West Mexican Chachalaca (LLK)
Lesser Roadrunner (BH)
Aztec Thrush (JJ)
Oaxaca Sparrow (BH)
Alebrije from San Martin TIlcajete
White-tailed Hawk (MW)
Olive Warbler (RS)
Cerambycid Beetle (MW)
Mountain Trogon (BH)
Chestnut-sided shrike-vireo (JJ)
Rancho Cerro Largo
White-eared Hummingbird
Grey-breasted Woodpecker (MV)
Ocellated Thrasher (BH)
Pileated Flycatcher (LU)
Budin de Tamala y Pan (VM)
Great Egret (MW)
Rancho Cerro Largo (NB)
Boat-billed Heron (MW)
Cinnamon Hummingbird (JD)
Tufted Flycatcher (BH)
Cochlospermum Vitifolium
Cinnamon-bellied Flowerpiercer (BH)
Bare-throated Tiger-Heron (JS)
Streak-backed Oriole (JJ)
We sometimes see humpback whales right from the porch at Rancho Cerro Largo (BH)