Costa Rica I Photos
These gorgeous photos from Costa Rica were taken my good friends and talented photographers Elizabeth Lauer (EL), Jerry Johnson (JJ), Neil Bachman (NB), Michele Weisz (MW), Judy O'Brien (JO), Dwayne Longenbaugh (DL), Jan Sutcher (JS), Benito Hernandez (BH), Robert Clark (RC), Sonja Raub (SR), and Misty Vaughn (MV). They are a small sample of the wonders that await you in this spectacular country.
Green-breasted Mango (JJ)
Spotted Wood-quail (NB)
Tailless Whip Scorpion (RC)
Orange-collared Manakin (EL)
Hotel Villa Lapas (NB)
Rio Tarcoles (JS)
Hotel Villa Lapas (NB)
Scarlet Macaw (JJ)
Northern Ghost Bat (DL)
Baird's Trogon (NB)
Long-tailed Silky-flycatcher (JJ)
Rhinocerus Beetle (Dynastes hercules) (RC)
Golden-hooded Tanager (NB)
Emerald Basilisk (NB)
Green Thorntail (JJ)
Ornate Hawk-eagle (BH)
Rufous Mourner (MW)
Passiflora vitifolia (MW)
Black-and-yellow Silky-flycatcher (JO)
Torrent Tyrannulet (RC)
Green Spiny Lizard (RC)
White-throated Capuchin (JJ)
Rancho Naturalista (JS)
Turquiose-browed Motmot (JJ)
Plain-breasted Ground-dove (NB)
Common Basilisk (JO)
Gray-breasted Wood-wren (NB)
"Hot Lips" - Psychotria sp. (NB)
Bicolored Antbird (NB)
Black-billed Nightingale-thrush (MW)
Brown-hooded Parrot (JJ)
Snowcap (JJ)
Variegated Squirrel (JJ)
Chestnut-backed Antbird (NB)
Mountain Elaenia (EL)
Long-billed Hermit (NB)
Long-nosed Bats (EL)
Scarlet-rumped (Passerini's) Tanager (EL)
Streak-headed Woodcreeper (NB)
Spangle-cheeked Tanager (EL)
Great Tinamou (JJ)
Sulphur-winged Parakeet (JO)
Geoffrey's Spider Monkey (JJ)
Green Hermit (JJ)
Spider-hunting Wasp (RC)
Red-billed Pigeon (JJ)
Stripe-headed Sparrow (JJ)
Rio Savegre (MW)
Yellow-thighed Finch (EL)
Acorn Woodpecker (JJ)
Montezuma Oropendula (JJ)
American Crocodiles (JJ)
Fiery-billed Aracari (JJ)
Black-striped Sparrow (MW)
Northern Black-throated Trogon (RC)
Northern Emerald Toucanet (MW)
Bicolored hawk (JJ)
Gray-headed Chachalaca (JJ)
Mourning Warbler (EL)
Buff-rumped Warbler (MW)
Crowned Woodnymph (EL)
Chiriqui Highlands (NB)
Dark Pewee (MW)
Silver-throated Tanager (JJ)
Mantled Howler Monkey (MV)
Sooty Thrush (JJ)
Flame-colored Tanager (EL)
Leafcutter Ant (NB)
Yellowish Flycatcher (EL)
White-whiskered Puffbird (EL)
White-throated Mountain-gem (EL)
Slaty Flowerpiercer (EL)
Black-hooded Antshrike (EL)
Red-kneed Tarantula (SR)