Mark Pretti Nature Tours, L.L.C.

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Among the approximately 400 species of birds collectively seen in Panama along our route on past trips are the following.  As always, some are common, some not so common, and some rare and difficult to find; 

Great tinamou

Little tinamou

Black-bellied whistling-duck

Masked duck

Muscovy duck

Gray-headed chachalaca

Black guan

Rufescent tiger-heron

Fasciated tiger-heron

Boat-billed heron

Wood stork

Lesser yellow-headed vulture

King vulture

Swallow-tailed kite

Double-toothed kite

Mississippi kite

Plumbeous kite

Snail Kite

Gray-headed Kite

Crane hawk

Semiplumbeous Hawk

White hawk

Great black hawk

Savanna hawk

Roadside hawk

Broad-winged hawk

Short-tailed hawk

Swainson’s hawk

Zone-tailed hawk

Black hawk-eagle

Ornate hawk-eagle

Collared forest-falcon

Slaty-backed forest-falcon

Laughing falcon

Bat falcon

Yellow-headed caracara

White-throated crake

Gray-cowled wood-rail

Wattled jacana

Pale-vented pigeon

Short-billed pigeon

Scaled pigeon

Blue ground dove

Ruddy ground dove

Gray-chested dove

White-tipped dove

Orange-chinned parakeet

Barred parakeet

Brown-throated parakeet

Blue-headed parrot

Mealy parrot

Yellow-crowned parrot

Red-lored Parrot

Squirrel cuckoo

Striped cuckoo

Pheasant cuckoo

Rufous-vented ground-cuckoo

Groove-billed ani

Smooth-billed ani

Greater ani

Mottled owl

Spectacled owl

Black-and-white owl

Tropical screech-owl

Choco screech-owl

Crested owl

Common pauraque

Short-tailed swift

Band-rumped swift

Lesser swallow-tailed swift

White-collared swift

Band-tailed barbthroat

Stripe-throated hermit

Green hermit

Long-billed hermit

White-tipped sicklebill

White-necked jacobin

Black-throated mango

Garden emerald

Crowned woodnymph

Violet-bellied hummingbird

Snowy-bellied hummingbird

Rufous-tailed hummingbird

White-vented plumeleteer

Bronze-tailed plumeleteer

Sapphire-throated hummingbird

Black-tailed trogon

White-tailed trogon

Gartered (Violaceous) trogon

Slaty-tailed trogon

Collared (Orange-bellied) trogon

Black-throated trogon

Tody motmot

Whooping motmot

Lesson's motmot

Rufous motmot

Broad-billed motmot

Ringed kingfisher

Amazon kingfisher

American pygmy kingfisher

Green kingfisher

White-necked puffbird

Black-breasted puffbird

White-whiskered puffbird

Pied puffbird

Collared aracari

Keel-billed toucan

Yellow-throated toucan

Northern emerald toucanet

Spot-crowned barbet

Black-cheeked woodpecker

Red-crowned woodpecker

Cinnamon woodpecker

Crimson-crested woodpecker

Lineated woodpecker

Plain xenops

Plain-brown woodcreeper

Ruddy woodcreeper

Olivaceous woodcreeper

Wedge-billed woodcreeper

Northern barred woodcreeper

Cocoa woodcreeper

Spotted woodcreeper

Streak-headed woodcreeper

Brown-billed scythebill

Barred antshrike

Great antshrike

Fasciated antshrike

Black-crowned antshrike

Russet antshrike

Plain antvireo

Spot-crowned antvireo

Dot-winged antwren

Moustached antwren

Pacific antwren

White-flanked antwren

Slaty antwren

Dusky antbird

Jet antbird

White-bellied antbird

Chestnut-backed antbird

Dull-mantled antbird

Spotted antbird

Ocellated antbird

Bicolored antbird

Black-faced antthrush

Black-capped antpitta

Brown-capped tyrannulet

Southern beardless tyrannulet

Forest elaenia

Greenish elaenia

Lesser elaenia

Yellow-bellied elaenia

Olive-striped flycatcher

Ochre-bellied flycatcer

Mistletoe tyrannulet

Scale-crested pygmy-tyrant

Southern bentbill

Common tody-flycatcher

Black-headed tody-flycatcher

Olivaceous flatbill

Eye-ringed flatbill

Yellow-olive flatbill (flycatcher)

Yellow-winged flatbill (flycatcher)

Golden-crowned spadebill

White-throated spadebill

Royal flycatcher

Ruddy-tailed flycatcher

Black-tailed flycatcher

Northern tropical pewee

Acadian flycatcher

Willow flycatcher

Bright-rumped Attila

Great-crested flycatcher

Panama flycatcher

Cattle tyrant

Lesser Kiskadee

Great kiskadee

Boat-billed flycatcher

Social flycatcher

Rusty-margined flycatcher

Piratic flycatcher

Streaked flycatcher

Sulphur-bellied flycatcher

Tropical kingbird

Eastern kingbird

Fork-tailed flycatcher

Masked tityra

Black-crowned tityra

Russet-winged schiffornis

Northern schiffornis

Blue cotinga

Purple-throated fruitcrow

Red-capped manakin

Golden-collared manakin

Lance-tailed manakin

White-ruffed manakin

White-eyed vireo

Yellow-throated vireo

Yellow-green vireo

Scrub greenlet

Golden-fronted greenlet

Lesser greenlet

Green shrike-vireo

Rufous-browed peppershrike

Black-chested jay

Gray-breasted martin

Mangrove swallow

Black-bellied wren

Bay wren

Rufous-breasted wren

Rufous-and-white wren

Buff-breasted wren

Isthmian (Plain) wren

Ochraceous wren

White-breasted wood-wren

Gray-breasted wood-wren

Song wren

Scaly-breasted wren

Long-billed gnatwren

Tawny-faced gnatwren

Tropical gnatcatcher

Swainson’s thrush

Clay-colored thrush

Pale-vented thrush

White-throated thrush

Tropical mockingbird

Prothonotary warbler

Northern parula

Golden-winged warbler

Tennessee warbler

Magnolia warbler

Chestnut-sided warbler

Black-throated green warbler

Yellow-throated warbler

Bay-breasted warbler

Cerulean warbler

Black-and-white warbler

American redstart

Kentucky warbler

Mourning warbler

Canada warbler

Chestnut (Rufous)-capped warbler

Buff-rumped warbler


Common chlorospingus (bush-tanager)

Black-and-yellow tanager

Dusky-faced tanager

Carmiol’s tanager

Gray-headed tanager

White-shouldered tanager

Tawny-crested tanager

White-lined tanager

Crimson-backed tanager

Flame (yellow)-rumped tanager

Blue-gray tanager

Palm tanager

Plain-colored tanager

Silver-throated tanager

Emerald tanager

Golden-hooded tanager

Scarlet-thighed dacnis

Blue dacnis

Red-legged honeycreeper

Green honeycreeper

Shining honeycreeper

Wedge-tailed grass-finch

Blue-black grassquit

Variable seedeater

Yellow-bellied seedeater

Blue seedeater

Thick-billed seedfinch

Yellow-faced grassquit

Chestnut-capped brushfinch

Orange-billed sparrow

Black-striped sparrow

Hepatic tanager

Scarlet tanager

Red-crowned ant-tanager

Red-throated ant-tanager

Buff-throated saltator

Streaked saltator

Black-faced grosbeak

Slate-colored grosbeak

Rose-breasted grosbeak

Blue-black grosbeak

Indigo bunting

Giant cowbird

Orchard oriole

Yellow-backed oriole

Yellow-tailed oriole

Baltimore oriole

Yellow-billed cacique

Scarlet-rumped cacique

Yellow-rumped cacique

Chestnut-headed oropendula

Yellow-crowned euphonia

Thick-billed euphonia

Fulvous-vented euphonia

Tawny-capped euphonia


Last updated: April 18, 2024.