Mark Pretti Nature Tours, L.L.C.

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Of the many beautiful photos from Ecuador taken by Misty Vaughn (MV), Karen Blumenthal (KB), Joan Kent (JK), Matu Malby (MM), Mac Walter (MW), and Jerry Johnson (JJ) here are some of my personal favorites.

Toucan Barbet (MV) 

Equatorial (Rufous) Antpitta (MV) 

Greater Scythebill (MV) 

Black-chinned Mountain-tanager (MW)  

Great Sapphirewing (MW)

Spectacled Whitestart (MW)

San Isidro Morning 

Buff-rumped Warbler (MW)

Yellow-tufted Dacnis (MV) 

Golden-headed Quetzal

Crowned Woodnymph (MV)

Black-banded (San Isidro) Owl (MV) 

One of my favorite things in the world, a spectacular view of "nothing but forest" for as far as you can see.


Torrent Duck (MV)  

Long-tailed Sylph (MV) 

Moss-backed Tanager (JK) 

Assassin Bug (MW)

Glistening-green Tanager (JK) 

White-faced Nunbird

Chestnut-crowned Antpitta (MV)


Rose-faced Parrot (MW)

Blue-mantled Thornbill (MM)

Rufous-bellied Seedsnipe (MV)

White-bellied Antpitta (MV) 

Pityeja histrionaria, a moth I never would have pegged as a Geometrid

Plate-billed Mountain-toucan (JJ) 

Noble Snipe (MM)

Giant Antpitta (KB)

Andean Ibis (MV)

Carunculated Caracara (MV)

Plumbeous Sierra-finch (MV)  

Refugio Paz de Las Aves

Green (Inca) Jay (MV)  

White-throated Daggerbill

Grass-green Tanager (MV) 

Ochre-breasted Antpitta (MW)

Handsome Flycatcher (MV) 

Dobsonfly, one of the many interesting arthropods coming to the San Isidro buglight.

Crimson-mantled Woodpecker (JJ) 

Andean Condor (MW) 

Andean Fox (MW)

Southern Emerald Toucanet (MW) 

Hooded Mountain-tanager (MW)

Yellow-breasted Antpitta (JJ)  

Lyre-tailed Nightjar (JJ)  

Crimson-rumped Toucanet (JJ)  

White-Booted Racket-tail (JJ)  

Purple-throated Woodstar (JJ)  

Andean Guan (MW)

Turquoise Jay (JJ)  

Masked Flowerpiercer (JJ)  

Slaty Brushfinch (JJ)


Last updated: October 12, 2024.