Mark Pretti Nature Tours, L.L.C.

Home Up



We've seen over 350 species of birds along this route in Costa Rica (Selva Verde Lodge, Cano Negro, Arenal Observatory Lodge and Virgen del Socorro), including the following.  As usual, some are common, some less common, and some fairly rare.  I've also included short lists of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians seen.

Little tinamou
Great tinamou
Black-bellied whistling-duck
Muscovy duck
Gray-headed chachalaca
Crested guan
Great curassow

Squirrel cuckoo
Groove-billed ani
Red-billed pigeon
Pale-vented pigeon
Short-billed pigeon
Blue ground-dove
Gray-headed dove
Gray-chested dove
Olive-backed quail dove
Buff-fronted quail-dove
Great potoo
Common pauraque
Lesser nighthawk
Gray-rumped swift
White-collared swift
Stripe-throated hermit
Green hermit
Long-billed hermit
Bronzy hermit
White-tipped sicklebill
White-necked jacobin
Brown violetear
Green-breasted mango
Purple-crowned fairy
Crowned woodnymph
Scaly-breasted hummingbird
Rufous-tailed hummingbird
Black-crested coquette
Green thorntail
Violet sabrewing
Bronze-tailed plumeleteer
Green-crowned brilliant
Blue-throated goldentail
Blue-chested hummingbird
Boat-billed heron
Bare-throated tiger-heron
Fasciated tiger-heron
Pinnated bittern
Least bittern
Green ibis
Wood stork

Northern jacana 
Uniform crake
Yellow-breasted crake
Purple gallinule
Russet-naped wood-rail
Collared plover
Southern lapwing 
Swallow-tailed kite
Hook-billed kite
Barred hawk
White hawk
Crane hawk
Black-collared hawk
Great black hawk
Roadside hawk
Broad-winged hawk
Short-tailed hawk
Ornate hawk-eagle
King vulture
Lesser yellow-headed vulture
Pacific screech-owl
Black-and-white owl
Spectacled owl
Crested owl
Ferruginous pygmy-owl
Central American pygmy-owl

Black-headed trogon
Gartered  trogon
Collared trogon
Slaty-tailed trogon
Northern Black-throated trogon
Lattice-tailed trogon
Rufous motmot
Broad-billed motmot
Lesson's motmot
Ringed kingfisher
Amazon kingfisher
Green kingfisher
American pygmy kingfisher
Rufous-tailed jacamar
White-necked puffbird
White-fronted nunbird
Collared aracari
Yellow-eared toucanet
Keel-billed toucan
Yellow-throated toucan
Northern emerald toucanet
Prong-billed barbet
Red-headed barbet
Black-cheeked woodpecker
Hoffman’s woodpecker
Golden-olive woodpecker
Rufous-winged woodpecker
Olivaceous piculet
Cinnamon woodpecker
Chestnut-colored woodpecker
Lineated woodpecker
Pale-billed woodpecker
Laughing falcon 
Collared forest-falcon
Scarlet macaw
Great green macaw
Crimson-fronted parakeet
Olive-throated parakeet
Mealy parrot
Red-lored parrot
White-fronted parrot
White-crowned parrot
Blue-headed parrot
Brown-hooded parrot
Fasciated antshrike
Barred antshrike
Great antshrike
Black-crowned antshrike
Russet antshrike
Streak-crowned antvireo
Dot-winged antwren
White-flanked antwren
Checker-throated stipplethroat (antwren)
Slaty antwren
Dusky antbird
Chestnut-backed antbird
Dull-mantled antbird
Bicolored antbird
Spotted antbird 
Bare-crowned antbird
Ocellated antbird
Streak-chested antpitta 
Thicket antpitta
Plain xenops
Fawn (Buff)-throated foliage-gleaner

Buff-fronted foliage-gleaner
Lineated foliage-gleaner
Plain-brown woodcreeper
Olivaceous woodcreeper
Wedge-billed woodcreeper
Cocoa woodcreeper
Spotted woodcreeper
Streak-headed woodcreeper 
Piratic flycatcher
Social flycatcher  
Gray-capped flycatcher
Great kiskadee       

Boat-billed flycatcher 
Tropical kingbird  
Dusky-capped flycatcher  
Great-crested Flycatcher
Bright-rumped attila
Snowy cotinga
Masked tityra
Black-crowned tityra    
Red-capped manakin
White-collared manakin
White-ruffed manakin
Cinnamon becard
White-winged becard
Yellow-throated vireo
Lesser greenlet
Green shrike-vireo
Brown jay
Gray-breasted martin
Blue-and-white swallow
Mangrove swallow
Band-backed wren  
Rufous-backed wren  
Nightingale wren             

Canebrake wren
Cabanis' wren
Spot-breasted wren         
Black-throated wren  
Stripe-breasted wren 

Bay wren
Song wren
White-breasted wood-wren
Gray-breasted wood-wren
Long-billed gnatwren
Tawny-faced gnatwren
White-browed gnatcatcher
Black-headed nightingale-thrush
Swainson’s thrush
Wood thrush
Clay-colored thrush                         
Black-and-yellow tanager
Tawny-crested tanager                 

White-throated shrike-tanager               
Crimson-collared tanager        
Scarlet-rumped (Passerini's) tanager
Blue-gray tanager                   
Palm tanager                          
Emerald tanager                     
Speckled tanager     
Spangle-cheeked tanager               

Silver-throated tanager                       
Bay-headed tanager               
Golden-hooded tanager  
Plain-colored tanager        

Blue dacnis   
Scarlet-thighed dacnis                         

Green honeycreeper               
Shining honeycreeper                          
Red-legged honeycreeper                           
Morelet's (White-collared) seedeater        
Variable seedeater   
Yellow-bellied seedeater               

Thick-billed seed-finch                       
Yellow-faced grassquit                       
Buff-throated saltator  
Cinnamon-bellied saltator                       
Black-headed saltator             
White-naped brushfinch        

Chestnut-capped brushfinch  
Orange-billed sparrow                
Black-striped sparrow
Rufous-collared sparrow 
Common chlorospingus
Sooty-faced finch
Summer tanager          
Scarlet tanager                         
Red-throated ant-tanager       
Carmiol's (Olive) tanager        
Black-faced grosbeak             
Rose-breasted grosbeak         
Blue-black grosbeak  
Black-thighed grosbeak             
Northern waterthrush                  
Golden-winged warbler          

Black-and-white warbler  
Tennessee warbler
Olive-crowned yellowthroat                  

Tropical parula                               
Kentucky warbler         
Mourning warbler                       

American redstart                   
Yellow warbler                                   
Chestnut-sided warbler                       
Magnolia warbler                    
Black-throated green warbler 
Blackburnian warbler                  
Chestnut-capped warbler                      
Golden-crowned warbler        
Canada warbler                                  
Slate-throated redstart            
Buff-rumped warbler  
Montezuma oropendula
Chestnut-headed oropendula
Yellow-billed cacique
Scarlet-rumped cacique
Nicaraguan grackle
Shiny cowbird
Black-cowled oriole
White-vented euphonia
Olive-backed euphonia
Yellow-crowned euphonia
Tawny-capped euphonia


Common opossum
Nine-banded armadillo
Northern tamandua
Brown-throated three-toed sloth
Hoffman's two-toed sloth
Honduran white bat
Vampire bat
Long-nosed bat
White-lined sac-winged bat
Geoffrey's spider monkey
Mantled howler monkey
White-throated capuchin monkey
Red-tailed squirrel
Variegated squirrel
Central American agouti 
Brazilian rabbit
Northern raccoon
White-nosed coati
White-tailed deer

Reptiles and Amphibians

Spectacled caiman
Emerald basilisk
Helmeted basilisk
Brown Basilisk
Central American whiptail
Black river turtle
Common slider
White-lipped mud turtle
Red-eyed leaf frog
Jumping leaf frog
Strawberry poison frog
Green-and-black poison frog
Savage's bullfrog
Masked treefrog
Eyelash pit viper
Northern cat-eyed snake


Last updated: October 19, 2024.