Mark Pretti Nature Tours, L.L.C.

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These gorgeous photos from Central Amazonia were taken by Misty Vaughn (MV), Jerry Johnson (JJ), Larry Schmahl (LS), Mac Walter (MC), and Sonja Raub (SR).  They are a small sample of the wonders that await you in this unique part of Brazil.

Green Aracari (JJ)

Pink-toed Tarantula (SR) 

Crimson Topaz (MW)

Channel-billed Toucan (MW)

Orange-fronted Yellow-Finch (MV)  

Black-necked Aracari (JJ)  

Iracema Falls 

Red-bellied Macaw (MW) 

Yellow-chinned Spinetail (JJ)

Pachira aquatica (JJ)  

Guianan Toucanet (MW)

Gilded Barbet (JJ)   

Golden-handed Tamarin (MW)  

Spangled Cotinga

Iracema Falls Grotto 

Painted Parakeet (MW)

Swallow-winged Puffbird (MV)

Dragonfly (JJ)  

Green-backed trogon (MW)

Waved Woodpecker (MV) 

Red-rumped Agouti (MW)

Guianan Trogon (JJ) 

Spotted Puffbird

Pink River Dolphin (MV)

Processionary Moth Caterpillars (JJ)  

Tufted Capuchin Monkey (JJ)

Crimson-crested Woodpecker (JJ)  

Capuchinbird (LS)  

Black-collared Hawk (JJ) 

Greater Spear-nosed Bat (LS)

Greater Spear-nosed Bat (LS)

Saffron-crested Tyrant-mankain (LS)

Victoria Water Lilies

Grasshopper (JJ)  

Dusky Antbird (MW) 

Band-tailed Nighthawk (MW)

Amazonian Racerunner (MW)

Black-fronted Nunbird (JJ)

Golden-green Woodpecker (JJ)  

Red-breasted Blackbird (JJ)  

White-winged Potoo (MW)

Black Caiman (JJ)

Agami Heron (JJ)  

Black-headed Antbird (MW)

Riparian Parrotlet (MV)

Black Nunbird (MV) 

Rufous-bellied Antwren  

Green-tailed Goldenthroat (MW)

Bridled Forest Gecko - Gonatodes humeralis (JJ)  

Yellow-hooded Blackbird (JJ)

Yellow-billed Tern (JJ)  

Frangipani Caterpillar - Pseudosphinx tetrio (MW)

Lined Seedeater (JJ) 

Lesser Dog-like Bat - Peropteryx macrotis (MW) 

Festive Parrot (JJ)  

Rio Negro Sunset (MV)

White-throated Toucan (JJ)  

Yellow-browed Sparrow (JJ)  

Greater Yellow-headed Vulture (MW)

Helicopter Damselfly (MW)

Greater Ani (JJ)


Last updated: September 18, 2024.