Mark Pretti Nature Tours, L.L.C.

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Here are some of my favorite photos among the many beautiful shots from Northern Colombia taken by Jerry Johnson (JJ), Liza and Robert Weissler (LRW), Misty Vaughn (MV), Vicki Gutgesell (VG), Barry Ulman (BU), Brian Lewis (BL), Bill Hobbie (BH), Mac Walter (MW), Wendy Naruo (WN), Matt Bruce (MB), Steve Ford (SF), Michele Weiss (MW), Carlo Alesandrini (CA), Ken Wahl (KW), Ken Corey (KC), and Karen Blumenthal (KB).

Green-rumped Parrotlet (MV)

Gray-throated Leaftosser (MV)  

Groove-billed Toucanet (WN)  

Passiflora sp. (WN)

Ferruginous Pygmy-Owl (JJ)  

Brown-throated Parakeet (WN)

Red-tailed Squirrel (VG) 

Sparkling Violetear (WN) 

Orchid Bee (KC) - though I've known about orchid bees and their ecology for decades, this was the first time I'd seen males out collecting chemicals to add to their special scent recipe.

Bay-headed Tanager, race toddi (WN)  

Chestnut-winged Chachalaca (CA)

Gray-bellied Night Monkey (JJ)

Black-cheeked (Santa Marta) Mountain-Tanager (WN)

Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, the highest point in the country.  (CA)  

Carib Grackle (WN)

Steely-vented Hummingbird (LRW)  

Golden-breasted Fruiteater (CA)

Santa Marta Antpitta (WN)

Santa Marta Brush-Finch (JJ)  

Black-Fronted Wood-Quail (VG)

Rhinoceros Beetle (JJ)  

Ruby Topaz Hummingbird (MV)

Golden-winged Sparrow (MV) 

Marpesia sp. (WN)

Glaucous Tanager (JJ) 

Harlequin Beetle - Acrocinus longimanus (MW)

Santa Marta Woodstar (MV)

Russet-throated Puffbird (JJ)  

Crowned Woodnymph (MV)  

Black-capped Tanager (MV)  

Owl Butterfly (WN)

El Dorado Lodge 

Lazuline Sabrewing (MB)

Spot-breasted Woodpecker (JJ) 

White-cheeked Pintail (MV)  

The view from the Hotel Minca porch (WN)

Sooty Grassquit (WN)

Venezuelan Red Howler Monkey (MV) 

Collared Plover (JJ)

White-vented Plumeleteer (JJ) 

Sierra Nevada Antpitta (KC)

Lance-tailed Manakin (WN)


American Flamingo (BU)  

Tent-making Bat - Uroderma bilobatum (WN)

Pale-bellied Hermit (BU)

Striped Cuckoo (JJ)

Crab-eating Fox (MW)

Chestnut-capped Warbler (JJ)  

Sierra Nevada Brush-Finch (VG)  

Double-striped Thick-knee (CA)

Anolis paravertebralis, endemic to the Santa Marta (WN)  

Northern White-fringed Antwren (WN) 

Santa Marta Screech-Owl (KW)

Orinocan Saltator (WN)

Blue-naped Chlorophonia (JJ) 

Frog in bromeliad at El Dorado (JJ)  

Black-headed Tanager (WN)

White-tailed Starfrontlet Male (MV)

White-tailed Starfrontlet Female (JJ) 

Northern Tamandua (MV)  

Santa Marta Antbird (CA)

White-whiskered Spinetail (MV)  

Swallow Tanager (MV) 

Yellow-headed Caracara (WN)

Gray-capped Cuckoo (WN)

Rufous-breasted Hermit (JJ) 

"Cateye" Metalmark (JJ)

Black-chested Jay (JJ)

Large-billed Tern (JJ) 

Band-tailed Guan (BL) 

Bare-eyed Pigeon (JJ)

Bicolored Wren (JJ)  

Moustached Puffbird (BH)  

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird (WN)

Pileated Finch (JJ) 

Tyrian Metaltail (JJ)  

El Dorado Sunset (WN)  

Rosy Thrush-tanager (SF)

White-necked Puffbird (CA)

Rufous-browed Peppershrike (JJ)   

Orange- crowned Oriole (WN)

Crested Caracara (JJ)

Stripe-backed Wren (JJ) 

Last updated: May 08, 2024.